I met with Lloyd Cooke, Chief Executive of Saltbox in Hanley to find out more about what this innovative, Christian charity does for communities in Stoke on Trent and was
immediately struck by an impressive professional approach to community action and the beautifully restored headquarters, tucked away on Gitana Street in Hanley. Lloyd shared that Bemersley House has been on a journey with Saltbox, now a state of the art, modern and welcoming building housing teams who work all over the city delivering their four core pillars of community action. More on that later.

Saltbox started in 1983 ‘to provide Christian support and encouragement for local faith
groups to help them grow and develop’, but has provided a much-loved and valued service for communities across Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire since 1987.’ In 2001, and still based in Burslem, Saltbox started to work within four key pillars of action to support communities.

Carelink - befriending and welfare checks for isolated, older people
Restart - housing and support for the homeless or those at risk of homelessness
Money Matters - Practical help with debt relief and benefits advice for users of Stoke
on Trent Foodbank
Mission - Christian outreach and support for Church and community groups.

From just 4 members of staff in Burslem in the 1990’s, today Saltbox employs 55
people in Hanley and supports over 500 local folk in need at any one time through its
different caring services. Saltbox is also a cheerleader for the many different faith
groups in the city. According to its 2017 Faith Action Audit, the city’s 150 faith groups
provide 400 different community projects, utilize over 2000 volunteers, contributing
over £2 million of volunteer time to the city.

I wanted to know more about Lloyd’s vision for Saltbox and how he sees Stoke on
Trent evolving as well as how it takes its place on the national stage. Lloyd is very
clear that ‘we need a thriving City Centre’ and that a professional 3rd sector
organisation at its heart really has a positive impact. Not only are services centrally
located, with outreach across the city, Saltbox has invested in the city centre to
signal its commitment for the long term. Saltbox has also been able to successfully
bring together key stakeholders, civic and faith groups, individuals and expertise to
ensure that what is delivered is not only impactful in the immediate term but provides
a truly transformative legacy for the city.

This stakeholder strategy continues to innovate and look forward. Although the caring work is done in Stoke on Trent, Lloyd believes that their form of collaboration and connection is applicable on a national and international level. As hosts of the biggest civic prayer breakfast outside of London, this year welcoming 350 people from across the city spectrum at theKings Hall in Stoke, Saltbox has ambitions to grow its work, support more people in need and increase its income to over £3million in the next few years. This level of income will help develop and continue to redefine what support is on offer, always seeking to innovate to deliver best practice impact.

Stoke born and bred, Lloyd is clearly dedicated to the city, so I asked him what his
thoughts are on what Stoke on Trent needs to flourish and thrive now and into the
future. An imaginative new view for the city centre. As Saltbox has demonstrated so clearly, there is room for everyone and diversity of offer and opportunity in a city centre is to the benefit of all.

Hanley needs a win. Like any sporting tournament, a win changes aspiration and
ambition and provides the hope that people seek.

Premiership football. As a committed football fan, Lloyd is clear about the positive
impact a truly successful and community focused football club can have on a city
and its communities.

A great mix of city centre residential communities, exciting hospitality offers and
dynamic incubator spaces for new business and retail. As the city centre unfolds,
Lloyd is clear that ensuring a great mix will provide the vibrancy for all communities
to thrive.

Help people imagine where they fit in. In a world where people and communities can
be isolated and lack confidence, Stoke on Trent has the opportunity to sign post
people about how and where they and their much loved city fits in the context of a
brighter Britain.

To find out more about Saltbox and the community action it delivers as well as
volunteering opportunities, please visit:




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